May 17, 2012


The private security company of APARAT SECRITY had the mission of protecting the whole project of the ”Presidential Candidancy” in the House of the People but also to be itself a candidate for a militarized society, in which the state of exception becomes normality. 

Above: APARAT SECRITY-team listening to the Presidential Candidate at the Shelter in the House of the People. 


At the beginning of 2012 BEZNA #2 was published. 

My contribution was a drawing with the following text:

You make friends in darkness
And wake up with monsters next to you
Arnold Şlahter

You are young, you see the problems, you see that there are things, you do not like at all, you see in the distance some people, who take decisions for you and not only for you, these are decisions which influences you life, conditioning it, putting limits to it...
And you decide to go out on the street, to join the people like you, who see the problems, who just want a decent living, a posibility to live with a little bit of safety, safety in health, safety in ecology issues, in food supply, in employment, in non-discrimination, in freedom of expression, in education, in matter of rent, in cultural stuff, and others, and others.
And it is winter and it gets dark very early. At four p.m. it is already dark and you join those who have slogans like yours, you make friends in the darkness.
And you ask them, because you do not know them: why are they here just like you. You want to know: why do they have this or that banner and this or that symbol...
Some of them answer you, others are far, but suddenly you realise that in the darkness there are monsters next to you: it is bezna!

The Ist Fair of the Spectral Institutions, The Gallery of Contemporary Art, The Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu

On the 17th of june 2011 there was the vernissage of The Ist Fair of the Spectral Institutions, The Gallery of Contemporary Art, The Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu. (exhibition from 17th of june to 1st of july 2011).

 Above you can see an overview of the exhibition hall in the gallery. The PARApoliţia-corner is in the center of the foto.

Above you can see the the PARApoliţia installation. It contains the logo of the PARApoliţia and a text written on the table containing a description of the logo.

This is the text written on the table (in Romanian): 
este suma firmelor private de securitate din Bucureşti.

Însemnul heraldic al Para-Poliţiei are în compunere următoarele elemente:
un scut bombat şi despicat vertical în două cartiere; acestea sunt străpunse de două linii albastre paralele şi simetrice cu axa verticală, simbolizând relaţia celor două cartiere. Cartierul stâng reprezintă zona puterii Statului, fiind caracterizat printr-o elipsă cu tricolorul (albastru-galben-roşu) vertical având ca stemă o frunză de stejar, totul pe un fundal alb.
Cartierul drept reprezintă zona securităţii private. Pe un fundal galben se poate observa în partea superioară un cap de vultur în portocaliu şi negru în semiprofil spre stânga, iar în partea inferioară un cap de câine lup în portocaliu şi negru în semiprofil spre stânga.
La baza scutului, pe o eşarfă crem, cu litere albastre este înscrisă deviza „legare privata”, însemnând „împuternicirea privatului”.

Semnificaţia elementelor însumate:
· liniile paralele: paralelism, egalitate juridică a două entităţi;
· elipsa: formă la care se ajunge prin autoretragerea dintr-o anumită zonă;
· tricolorul: România ca entitate suverană;
· alb: lipsă de conţinut;
· frunza de stejar: forţă, putere, autoritate veche;
· galben: bunăstare, avere, proprietate privată;
· vulturul: autoritate, forţă în zona aeriană;
· câinele lup: putere, forţă în zona terestră;
· protocaliu-negru: agresivitate, foc;
· deviza îmbogăţeşte mesajul compoziţiei heraldice.

The Ist Congress of the Spectral Institution, UNA gallery, Bucharest

4th of june 2011, my contribution to The Ist Congress of the Spectral Institution, UNA gallery, Bucharest: the presentation "About security and private police". 

I was speaking about my project PARApoliţia.